Friday, 25 June 2010

Week included Annual interest statements for clients tenants, Web site launch, Bookkeeping Franchise discovery event and a holiday!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

First Aid DVD is launched

In partnership with Concept Filming and Just Do it Guides, we have just launched our first aid DVD.

Our easy to navigate DVD covers all the latest protocol and techniques in a clear step by step guide, combining video, demonstrations, presentations, voiceover, text and high quality graphics to give you the knowledge and importantly the confidence to act in a first aid situation. It is suitable for first aid in the workplace or at home with your family.

It is ideal for enhancing new skills or providing a revision of your existing skills and is designed to support the HSE’s strong recommendation that first aiders are to refresh their first aid knowledge on an annual basis.

The design enables you to learn at your own pace, watching the DVD in full or you can pick and choose the areas you need to refresh your own knowledge or support your own learning.

For more information and a trailer, please see

Friday, 18 June 2010

Week included First Aid DVD launch for sale, First Aid Training, Institute of Certified Bookkeepers seminar, British Franchise Assoc meeting

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Taking legal action to collect debts

If you are not getting paid for products or services provided, then one consideration is taking such action against the debtor. Some people try to avoid this as they think it will be expensive in legal fees.
We were delighted when our client received the full amount for their debt (in excess of £30k), when Withy King solicitors recovered the gross amount plus costs for their fees. We fully recommend a conversation with Stephen Woods and his colleagues if assistance is needed.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Week included First Aid training, the successful Oxford Marketing Conference, Business Improvement Programme meeting and web analytics.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Using social media

Social media is being used by the majority for promotion or information gathering. At a recent breakfast of the Oxford Business Network, Alice Elliott, spoke about the subject and I took away the phrase 'manage the noise'. This changed my use of social media overnight and reduced my time commitment, but improved my outcomes. We now use Twitter, Blogger, LinkedIn and facebook to send out our messages, but also collect information on what others are saying about our keyword areas. But in a much more focused manner, instead of trying to speak to or listen to everyone!

If you are not using Social media, then we recommend a look at the way of marketing your business as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

VAT – Cash accounting

Were you aware that the threshold for the this VAT scheme increased to £1.35m? Recent research has shown that many business owners still thought the limit to be £660,000 and were therefore missing out on the chance to consider this option for their business. You can use this scheme if you estimate that your turnover during the next tax year will be no more than £1.35m. This scheme works with your cashflow, as you do not need to pay VAT until your customer has paid you. If your customer never pays you, you never have to pay the VAT. For more information, please see the HMRC web site

Friday, 4 June 2010

Week included Sage import, Sending quarters commercial tenants invoicing, First Aid Training, Bookkeeping franchise discovery seminar

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Oxford Marketing Conference 2010

Final bookings are being taken for this years conference to be held on Thursday 10th June 2010 at the Kassam Stadium conference centre.
For more information please see