Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Closing the gap on knowing and doing

6 months ago our Director, Mike Foster, started to work with John Harris at SMI based on Milton Park. Mike had identified that he was busy but not moving towards his personal goals. Mike said " I have a corporate background in banking and leisure, where I had undertaken many time management courses and knew the theory inside out, but I was never moving certain areas of my life forward. Many business coaches offered me a consultative solution, but the real solution was found when I met John at SMI and started to use the practical tools and guidance that truly made a difference in my life. Not only did I find more time immediately for short term goals, but enough time to start a new business venture in Didcot"

"The concept is that through a structured process and professional support, you develop new, effective work habits. I have certainly introduced new habits and changed many things as a result of this fresh approach.

My learns are summarised in the SMI overview of:
Improve your planning skills: Set real goals based around your priority activities, effectively implement and track your progress toward these goals.
Identify what is a High Payoff Activitiy for you and schedule time for them
Know exactly how much time you currently spend on your priorities vs. how much time you need to spend to ensure you achieve your targets.
Create a Plan of Action to allocate daily time more effectively: reduce time spent on Low Payoff Activities, develop disciplined work habits, take control of your professional and personal time.

For more details or if you want a great speaker, see

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